Invaders in PICO-8
Table of Contents
Figure 1: Invaders game play gif
As a fan of classic arcades and programming I have always wanted to recreate some of the early simple arcade games. Space invaders is one of the oldest and most iconic games arcade games. There were many clones made for the arcade over the years and it is frequently an early project for game developers. For me Space Invaders is the essence of action games; easy to understand and difficult to master. I also really like the use of sound and how as the enemies move faster the audio increases and it ramps up the stress of the player, thus making the game more difficult. I have started coding this game a couple of times and abandoned for various reasons. Since I have been building a momentum finishing PICO-8 projects, I wanted to do a more complete version of this game.
Figure 2: First attempt at invaders in PICO-8 gameplay gif
First Attempt Pico 8 #1
My first attempt to code Space Invaders was in PICO-8. I worked on this for a few weeks late last year but I abandoned it when it wasn’t turning out the way I wanted. When working on this version I wanted to make it as simple as possible so I opted to use 8x8 sprites rather than the accurate space invaders sprites. As a side effect of this I think everything looks a little funky and I think this contributed to me ultimately abandoning this version. I also thought I would modernize the game a bit; I use smooth scrolling for the invaders instead of step movement. The downside of this is it makes the invaders look like they are skating at you rather than marching. Worst of all was the performance. This game didn’t have that much going on and in PICO-8 I could tell it was struggling to hit 60fps. I didn’t investigate it at the time, but I since learned why. The CLS command in PICO-8 is very expensive on the CPU. Each frame I was clearing the screen and redrawing all of the invaders. This is definitely necessary if I wanted to keep the smooth movement. The poor performance lead me to try to finish this project outside of PICO-8.
Figure 3: Second attempt at invaders in JavaScript/HTML5 canvas gameplay gif
Second Attempt Canvas
My second attempt was in JavaScript using canvas. I was interested in using this setup as a new PICO-8 style environment. My hope was to remove the CPU limitations of PICO-8 as well as switch away from Lua to a more familiar language. This all worked out and I was able to create a more complete version with better performance. I didn’t have much drive to complete it though since it carried a lot of the early decisions (8x8 sprites, smooth scrolling) I had made from the PICO-8 version. I did enjoy learning how sound synthesis works in JavaScript. I found it straight forward to make square wave style sounds in the browser. I stopped working on this version to pursue other side projects I was more interested in and I wouldn’t attempt to make a Space Invaders clone again until about two weeks ago.
This attempt Pico 8 #2
My renewed interest in PICO-8 motivated me to create a more complete version of Space Invaders. This time I took inspiration from the Gameboy port and I felt that it has to be possible to make a better performing version. I started by recreating the sprites exactly how they were in the original game. I felt their iconic designs add a lot of character. Additionally, as I researched the scoring of the game I noticed that the larger enemies are worth fewer points since they are easier to hit. The biggest aha moment for me when making this version was to only clear the screen rectangles there were being updated. A side effect of this approach is that the state of the frame buffer is not centrally managed but the performance gain in PICO-8 was massive. From what I can gather the CLS command basically does a fillrect for the entire 128x128 screen. The cost of this is 2048 cycles. Comparatively if I were to only clear a 16x16 rect it would only be 4 cycles. This performance boost gave me the motivation to stick with this port and try to implement as most of the game rules in PICO-8. Another cool side effect of not clearing the entire frame buffer each frame is you can use it for game logic. So the bullet collision detection uses the color of pixels adjacent to the bullet to know if it has collided with something. There is a good reason why the shields are blue!
All in all I am very happy with this version. I feel that I have implemented a fairly close version of Space Invaders and I can move on to porting other arcade classics. That being said, this version is not perfect. One of the things I am going to try to do better in my next game project is handling state. It is tedious to create two globals for each time related object. I am starting to get more familiar with Lua and I believe there are some language features that should help make this easier. Also, I didn’t do any blast damage on the shields. So when a bullet collides it removes the square that it collides with rather than exploding a chunk of the shield off. There is also a bug where enemy bullets take two squares of shield away when player bullets only take one. Checkout the code here (also listed below) and play in your browser here.
pico-8 cartridge // version 27 __lua__ -- INVADERS -- BY ADAM RICHARDSON player={ x=0, y=120, w=11, h=8} score=0 lives=2 ufo={x=-20,y=10,w=16,h=8} enemy_ticks=10 eticks=0 enemies={} pb={ x=0, y=120, w=1, h=4, speed=2, active=false} animations={} erow=3 edirs={1,1,1,1,1} edrops={0,0,0,0,0} drop=2 dcount=0 shields={ { x=8, y=100, w=16, h=16, }, { x=40, y=100, w=16, h=16, }, { x=72, y=100, w=16, h=16, }, { x=104, y=100, w=16, h=16, }, } eb={ x=0, y=0, w=1, h=4, speed=2, active=false } gameover=false round=1 round_ticks=100 rticks=0 playing=false dying=false die_ticks=40 dticks=0 ufo_ticks=500 uticks=0 esfx=0 -->8 function clear_rect(r) local w=r.w -- prevent the bullet from being too wide if w==1 then w=0 end rectfill( r.x, r.y, r.x+w, r.y+r.h,0) end function clear_to_shoot(idx) local a=enemies[idx] for i=idx+1,#enemies do local b={ x=enemies[i].x, y=a.y, w=enemies[i].w, h=enemies[i].h } if box_collide(a,b) then return false end end return true end function enemy_shoot() if then return end local idx=flr(rnd(min(6,#enemies))) local e=enemies[#enemies-idx] if clear_to_shoot(#enemies-idx) then eb.x=e.x+5 eb.y=e.y+8 end end function update_enemies() local next_spr={ e=5, f=4, a=2, c=0, g=8, i=6 } local end_reached=false local edidx=0 for e in all(enemies) do if e.row>erow then break end if e.row==erow then clear_rect(e) e.x+=edirs[e.didx] e.s=next_spr[chr(ord("a")+e.s)] spr(e.s,e.x,e.y,e.sw, if e.x+e.w>127 or e.x<1 then end_reached=true edidx=e.didx edrops[edidx]+=1 end end end if end_reached then if edrops[edidx]>dcount then dcount+=1 for e in all(enemies) do clear_rect(e) e.y+=drop spr(e.s,e.x,e.y,e.sw, end end local v=edirs[edidx] edirs[edidx]=-1*v end erow-=1 if erow<0 then erow=3 end if erow==3 then enemy_shoot() sfx(esfx) if esfx==0 then esfx=1 else esfx=0 end end end function box_collide(r1,r2) return (r1.x < r2.x+r2.w) and (r1.x+r1.w > r2.x) and (r1.y < r2.y+r2.h) and (r1.y+r1.h > r2.y) end function explosion(x,y) add(animations,{ states={ { s=12, eframe=9 }, { s=14, eframe=16 } }, frame=0, tframes=16, state_idx=1, x=x, y=y, w=12, h=8, sw=2, sh=1, }) end function animate() for a in all(animations) do clear_rect(a) if a.frame < a.tframes then a.frame+=1 if a.frame < a.tframes then local eframe = a.states[a.state_idx].eframe if a.frame==eframe then a.state_idx+=1 end end spr( a.states[a.state_idx].s, a.x, a.y, a.sw, else del(animations,a) end end end function kill_enemies() for e in all(enemies) do if box_collide(e,pb) then clear_rect(e) del(enemies,e) explosion(e.x,e.y) if #enemies%3==0 then enemy_ticks-=2 end score+=e.score sfx(3) return true end end return false end function kill_ufo() if box_collide(pb,ufo) then clear_rect(ufo) explosion(ufo.x,ufo.y) ufo.x=-20 score+=100 sfx(5) return true end return false end function shield_player() for s in all(shields) do if box_collide(pb,s) then if pget(pb.x,pb.y-1)==12 then pset(pb.x,pb.y-1,0) return true end end end return false end function shield_enemy() for s in all(shields) do if box_collide(eb,s) then if pget(eb.x,eb.y+eb.h+1)==12 then pset(eb.x,eb.y+eb.h+1,0) return true end end end return false end function kill_player() if box_collide(eb,player) and then clear_rect(player) explosion(player.x,player.y) lives-=1 gameover=lives<0 if gameover then lives=0 end dying=true dticks=0 clear_rect(pb) sfx(4) return true end return false end function round_start() cls() print("round "..round,51,60,7) rticks=0 playing=false end function round_play() edirs={1,1,1,1,1} edrops={0,0,0,0,0} dcount=0 animations={} ufo={x=-20,y=10,w=16,h=8} eticks=0 player={x=0,y=120,w=11,h=8} enemy_ticks=10 cls() -- ufo spr(32,ufo.x,ufo.y,2,1) -- enemies for i=0,6 do local x=i*16 spr(4,x+2,20) add(enemies,{ x=x+2, y=20, w=8, h=8, s=4, sw=1, sh=1, didx=1, row=0, score=30 }) end for i=0,6 do local x=i*16 spr(0,x+1,35,2,1) add(enemies,{ x=x+1, y=35, w=11, h=8, s=0, sw=2, sh=1, didx=2, row=1, score=20 }) end for i=0,6 do local x=i*16 spr(6,x,50,2,1) add(enemies,{ x=x, y=50, w=12, h=8, s=6, sw=2, sh=1, didx=4, row=3, score=10 }) end -- player spr(10,player.x,player.y,2,1) -- sheilds for i=0,3 do spr(34,8+i*32,100,2,2) end end -->8 function _init() round_start() end function _update60() if gameover then animate() return end if not playing and rticks<round_ticks then rticks+=1 if rticks==round_ticks then playing=true round_play() end return end if dying and dticks<die_ticks then dticks+=1 if dticks==die_ticks then dying=false player.x=0 spr(10,player.x,player.y,2,1) end animate() return end eticks+=1 if eticks>=enemy_ticks then eticks=0 update_enemies() end if btn(0) then clear_rect(player) player.x-=1 player.x=max(0,player.x) spr(10,player.x,player.y,2,1) end if btn(1) then clear_rect(player) player.x+=1 player.x=min(128-player.w,player.x) spr(10,player.x,player.y,2,1) end if uticks==ufo_ticks then clear_rect(ufo) ufo.x+=1 spr(32,ufo.x,ufo.y,2,1) if ufo.x>128 then ufo.x=-20 uticks=0 end else uticks+=1 end if then clear_rect(pb) pb.y-=pb.speed rectfill( pb.x, pb.y, pb.x, pb.y+pb.h,11) if pb.y<=10 then clear_rect(pb) end if kill_enemies() then clear_rect(pb) else if kill_ufo() then clear_rect(pb) else if shield_player() then clear_rect(pb) end end end end if btnp(5) and not then pb.y=115 pb.x=player.x+5 sfx(2) end if then clear_rect(eb) eb.y+=eb.speed rectfill( eb.x, eb.y, eb.x, eb.y+eb.h,7) if shield_enemy() then clear_rect(eb) else if kill_player() then clear_rect(eb) -- check lives end end if eb.y>128 then clear_rect(eb) end end animate() if #enemies==0 then round+=1 round_start() end end function _draw() rectfill(0,0,128,10,0) -- info print("score "..score,45,2,7) spr(10,104,0,2,1) print("="..lives,116,2,7) -- print(stat(1),0,2,7) if gameover then print("game over",50,50,8) end end