Adam Richardson's Site

Bulls and Cows + Solver

Table of Contents

Bulls and Cows

  • This code cracking logic game similar to Mastermind
  • The computer picks a random 4 digit number
  • The player makes a guess as to what that 4 digit number is
  • Each guess is scored by the number of "bulls" and "cows"
  • A "bull" means that a digit is in the right position
  • A "cow" means that the digit is in the string but not in the right position
  • The score doesn't tell you which digit is a "bull" or "cow" only how many digits are each
  • For example if the secret is 1234 and the player guesses 4130 the score would be 1B2C, the 3 being the "bull" and the 4 and 1 being in the code but not in the correct position
  • Another requirement of the secret code is that it has no repeating digits
  • Wikipedia: Bulls and Cows
  • I was inspired to work on this while reading Land of Lisp, by Conrad Barski, and the popular game Wordle.

Project Scope

  • This is a series of functions that allow you to play the game bulls and cows inside a common lisp REPL
  • You will be able to play the number guessing game or invoke the solver to watch the computer guess the answer


Setting up the game

  • This code defines the game setup function and global variable *secret-code*
  • The setup function, bulls-cows-setup, will generate a list of 4 random integers and store that in *secret-code*
  • There secret code will not have the digit zero in it
  • The algorithm for generating a random code without repeats is as follows:
    • Start with a list of all wanted digits and the length of the secret
    • Check the length of the secret, if 0 return nil
    • Pick a random index out of the wanted digits
    • Return the cons of the digit using the random index and a recursive call to the generate code function
    • In the recursive call, slice the randomly picked index from the wanted digits list
    • Additionally reduce the length by 1 in the recursive call
  • The setup function returns t to not spoil the secret code
(defparameter *secret-code* nil)
(defparameter *code-length* 4)
(defparameter *code-digits* '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
(defparameter *code-min* 1234)
(defparameter *code-max* 9876)

(defun generate-secret (digits len)
  (unless (<= len 0)
    (let* ((index (random (length digits)))
           (digit (nth index digits)))
      (cons digit (generate-secret (concatenate 'list
                                                (subseq digits 0 index)
                                                (subseq digits (1+ index)))
                                   (- len 1))))))

(defun bulls-cows-setup ()
  (setf *secret-code* (generate-secret *code-digits* *code-length*))

Scoring a guess

  • The player of the game can make a guess on the secret code with the guess function
  • An example call of the guess would look like this (guess 4130)
    • In order to convert a number 4130 to the list (4 1 3 0) we can convert to string then into a list
    • To convert string numeric characters into numbers again we can use digit-char-p
    • We will leave a method that accepts the code as a list as well, this will be good for solvers
  • The return will be the score of the guess measured in bulls and cows
  • If the secret code is 1234 and you guess (guess 4130) the score should be 1B2C
(defun guess-code (code)
  (when (= (length code) *code-length*)
    (let ((bulls 0) (cows 0) (i 0))
       (if (= (nth i code) (nth i *secret-code*))
           (setf bulls (1+ bulls))
           (when (member (nth i code) *secret-code*)
             (setf cows (1+ cows))))
       (when (= (1+ i) *code-length*)
       (setf i (1+ i)))

      `(,bulls B ,cows C))))

(defun guess (num)
  (let ((code (map 'list #'digit-char-p
                   (write-to-string num))))
    (guess-code code)))

Evaluating scores

  • A human player is able to interpret the output of the guess function to know if they have won the game or not
  • A computer will need a function to easily know if the correct guess has been encountered
  • The equal function can compare the symbol values with the winning score (4 B 0 C)
(defun win-p (score)
  (equal score `(,*code-length* B 0 C)))


  • Each of these solvers use the output of the guess function to try to automate finding the secret code
  • Each solver will count how many times it calls guess and return that number along with the secret code
  • There are 3024 different possible secret codes (nPr where n = 9 digits and r = 4 length code)

Random Guesses

  • One of the simplest solvers to implement is to continue to check random guesses to see if they are correct
  • This will not be using the clues at all to inform the next guess
  • Because of this it is a very inconsistent solution for finding the right answer
  • This will use the generate-secret method for randomly picking a guess
  • While simple to implement this solver it is random how long it will take
  • Additionally, it might not find the answer at all
(defparameter *max-guesses* 100000)

(defun run-random-solver ()
  (let ((count 0)
        (code (generate-secret *code-digits* *code-length*))
        (solution-found nil))
     (cond ((>= count *max-guesses*) (return))
           ((win-p (guess-code code))
            (setf solution-found t)
           (t  (setf count (1+ count))
               (setf code (generate-secret *code-digits* *code-length*)))))
    (when solution-found
      (list code count)))))

Brute Force

  • This solver will enumerate through all the possible codes and see if it is the right one
  • It will not attempt to read the score to understand how close a guess might be
  • It is definitely not an efficient method for checking for the code
  • It does have the benefit of not being random and always taking the same amount of time to find the answer
  • Additionally it should always find an answer
  • Next Permutation
    • In order to achieve this we need a function to calculate the next permutation from a given one
    • The first permutation should be 1234 the last permutation should be 9876
    • The key to this algorithm is a predicate that verifies if a number is a valid permutation
    • If that predicate fails just increment the number and try again
    • This removes one instance of the value being checked and then ensures that there is not another instance of it in the list
    (defun valid-code-p (num)
      (let* ((code (map 'list #'digit-char-p
                        (write-to-string num)))
             (no-repeats (every #'identity
                                (mapcar #'(lambda (m)
                                            (not (member m
                                                         (remove-if #'(lambda (n) (= n m))
                                                                    code :count 1))))
             (no-illegal-chars (every #'(lambda (n)
                                          (member n *code-digits*))
        (and no-repeats no-illegal-chars)))
    • This function finds the next lexical code from a given input
    • It continuously increments the number until a valid code is found
    (defun next-code (num)
      (cond ((valid-code-p (1+ num)) (1+ num))
            (t (next-code (1+ num)))))
  • Solver
    (defun run-brute-force-solver ()
      (let ((code *code-min*)
            (count 0))
          (cond ((win-p (guess code)) (return))
                ((= code *code-max*) (return))
                (t (setf code (next-code code))
                   (setf count (1+ count)))))
        (list code count)))

Cows Score Solver

  • This solver will use the score to determine if a digit is part of the code or not
  • It won't use the bulls portion of the score
  • The first step is to look for a set of *code-length* digits that have a score of 0 bulls and 0 cows
    • In order to do this we iterate through consecutive sets in the list
    • If non of them have a 0 score then we will shuffle the list and try again
  • Once the digits we are sure are not part of the solution are found we remove them from our local copy of the digit list
  • We repeat the above process until length of local digits divided by the *code-length* is less than 2
    • In the case of this game we only need to find one set of zero score digits for that to be true
  • With the digit list now less that 2 * *code-length* we repeat the process but looking for a score totaling to *code-length*
  • Once we find that we shuffle that score randomly until it causes win-p to return true
  • Sub List
    • In order to rule out digits we need a way to get a consecutive sublist of digits
    • This function will get a consecutive list of count number items from a list
    • If the start index + count is greater than the length of the list it will wrap around to the beginning
    (defun sublist (start count list)
      (let ((i 1)
            (s (list (nth start list))))
          (when (>= i count)
          (push (nth (mod (+ start i) (length list)) list)
                (cdr (last s)))
          (setf i (1+ i)))
  • Shuffle List
    • In order to shuffle a list we rotate it n times, where n is the length of the list
    • Each shuffle will randomly select two digits and swap them
    (defun shuffle-list (list)
      (let ((i 0))
          (when (>= i (length list))
          (rotatef (nth (random (length list)) list)
                   (nth (random (length list)) list))
          (setf i (1+ i)))
  • Score Total
    • This function sums the numerical portion of the bulls and cows score
    • For example (1 B 2 C) would total to 3
    • This is useful for determining if none of the digits tested are in the solution
    (defun score-total (score)
      (+ (car score) (caddr score)))
  • Find sublist with score total
    • This function will use consecutive sublists looking for a set that has a given score total
    • It will generate a sublist starting at each index in the list
    • If no item is found it will shuffle the list and try again
    • This function tracks how many times it calls guess-code
    • Once the set is found it returns a list of both the set and the guess count
    (defun find-set-with-score (search-set wanted-score)
      (let* ((list (copy-list search-set))
             (count 1)
             (g (sublist 0 *code-length* list))
             (score (score-total (guess-code g))))
          (when (= score wanted-score)
          (let ((i 0))
              (when (= score wanted-score)
              (setf i (1+ i))
              (when (>= i (length list))
              (setf g (sublist i *code-length* list))
              (setf count (1+ count))
              (setf score (score-total (guess-code g)))))
          (shuffle-list list))
        (list g count)))
  • Solver
    (defun run-cows-solver ()
      (let ((digits (copy-list *code-digits*))
            (count 0)
            (not-code-set nil)
            (code-set nil)
            (results nil)
            (score nil))
        (setf results (find-set-with-score digits 0))
        (setf not-code-set (car results))
        (setf count (+ count (cadr results)))
        (remove-if #'(lambda (n)
                       (member n not-code-set))
        (setf results (find-set-with-score digits *code-length*))
        (setf code-set (car results))
        (setf count (+ count (cadr results)))
          (setf score (guess-code code-set))
          (setf count (1+ count))
          (when (win-p score)
          (shuffle-list code-set))
        (list code-set count)))

Solver Data

  • This code runs each solver 10 times and generates a table with the results
(defun get-solver-data ()
  (let ((count 1)
        (results nil))
      (when (> count 10)
      (let ((result (list count
                          (cadr (run-random-solver))
                          (cadr (run-brute-force-solver))
                          (cadr (run-cows-solver)))))
        (if (null results)
            (setf results (list result))
            (push result
                  (cdr (last results)))))
      (setf count (1+ count)))

run random brute force cow
1 1113 2487 201
2 3563 1261 133
3 67 2463 120
4 1999 2571 193
5 319 915 369
6 6237 1341 190
7 4079 2463 153
8 2299 578 78
9 3055 587 281
10 488 278 35


  • Looking at the graph the cow solver performed the best
    • Using the score value to inform the guesses significantly reduced the amount of guesses needed
  • random performed the worst by far
  • brute force never exceeds the total number of permutations (3024) which makes sense