Adam Richardson's Site

Miscellaneous Tips

Table of Contents

<2023-05-05 Fri>


  • scrot is a decent tool for taking screenshots of you entire desktop or just a particular window


  • Use python package demjson3 to get the jsonlint command.
  • This package is in the apt repo or can be installed via pip pip install demjson3


Channel RSS feed

Getting Channel Id

  • Go to the channel homepage and right click and view source
  • Search the source for itemprop="channelId" content="
  • Inside the content block you will see the channel id

Youtube RSS Template<CHANNEL_ID>

Uncompress Examples


tar -zxvf <SOME_FILE>.tar.gz>


tar -xvf <SOME_FILE>.tar.xz

Compress Examples


  • If you want to compress somdir into .tar.gz
  • tar -cvf somedir.tar somedir this will produce the tarball
  • To make it a gz file run gzip somedir.tar
  • This will compress and tarball into somedir.tar.gz

Compress using multiple cores

tar -c -I 'xz -9 -T0' -f <SOME_ARCHIVE>.tar.xz <FILES or DIRECTORIES>

  • xz -9 means use max compression
  • xz -T0 means number of threads = to number of CPUS

Create a WIM file to de-deduplicate repeated files

  • 7z a -twim <SOME_ARCHIVE>.wim <FILES or DIRECTORIES>

Using pv to get progress of file operations

Most examples from here.

pv copy directory

tar c Notebooks/ | pv | tar x -C Documents/ This will copy the Notebooks folder to Documents/Notebooks with a progress bar

Using rsync to copy and get a progress bar

  • rsync -ah --progress <SOURCE> <DEST>

Using iperf3 to measure speed between hosts

More examples of using iperf3 here. The code for iperf3 is hosted on github here.

  • Pick one computer to be the host and run iperf3 -s
  • On the client computer run iperf -c <HOSTNAME>

Using sshfs to mount a remote folder

  • ArchWiki docs on sshfs
  • Use this program to mount a remote locally
  • You do not need to be root to use this
  • Example sshfs me@remote:/home/me/videos videos
  • To unmount fusermount3 -u videos

Use gerbera as a Upnp server

  • On iOS VLC is a good client app
  • The current version of VLC (tvOS) is not working properly for UPnP servers on TVOS
  • Infuse is a good option for tvOS

Use ssh to forward a port from remote to local

ssh -L 9090: add -N if you don't want to open a terminal session

View the exit code in bash from the previous command

  • You can see the exit code from the previous command with echo $?

Reference a secret stored in pass in a bash script

  • Sometimes you need to write a script that references an encrypted secret in your password manager
  • Use this template to reference a pass file gpg2 -q --for-your-eyes-only --no-tty -d $PASS_REPO/<SOME_SECRET>.gpg

One line command webserver

  • Python ships with a built in webserver you can run
  • If you run python -m http.server it will serve the current working directory
  • The command should tell you the port