Adam Richardson's Site

Git Notes

Table of Contents

<2023-08-11 Fri>


Change remote URL

  • git remote set-url <REMOTE_NAME> <REMOTE_URL>

Rename branch

  • If current branch git branch -m new-name
  • If not current branch git -m old-name new-name


Adding a submodule

  • git submodule add <GIT_REPO>

Pull submodules

  • git submodule update --init --recursive

Updating submodule remote

  • git submodule set-url -- <PATH> <URL>

Delete Remote Branch

  • git push <REMOTE> --delete <BRANCH>



Checking out a file from another branch

  • From within the magit menu press X for Reset commands
  • From inside the Reset commands list press f for File
  • Next pick the source branch, then pick the file in the repo
  • This will revert that file in the current branch to the version from the other branch as a soft change

View file from another branch

  • git show <BRANCH>:<file>
  • For example git show main:.gitignore to view the version of the gitignore from the main branch