Adam Richardson's Site

Nethack Notes

Table of Contents

<2022-05-01 Sun>


  • Notes are based on the 3.6.x version of NetHack


How to quit NetHack

  • Press the # key and type quit
  • You will be prompted a few times to show stats
  • If you want to quit immediately press q

Getting help in the game

  • Enter the extended menu with # then type help
  • You should be able to view most of what you need to know from this menu
  • You can also press ? to see the help menu

Goal of the game

  • Find the amulet of yendor and exit the dungeon
  • When you first load into the game there is a staircase leaving the dungeon
  • If you go up that staircase without the amulet you will forfeit the game
  • If you have the amulet when you go up the stairs, you win
  • NetHack is a "learning" game where the fun comes from discovering all the mechanics

The Player

  • The player is the @ symbol


  • You will die frequently
  • Try to understand why you died each time it happens

Vi Movement Keys

y k u
b j n


  • The < means a staircase going up
  • The > means a staircase going down
  • Use the greater than or less than symbols to go up or down a staircase
  • Pets will only follow you down the staircase if they are adjacent to the player


  • When you encounter a locked door you can sometimes kick it down
  • To kick use the #kick command or press Ctrl-D
  • It will ask you for a direction afterwards so push the movement key in the direction of the door


  • You will be granted a pet at the start of each game
  • Pets can level up, with each enemy they kill

Game state

  • Each time you move, the world moves as well
  • This typically only applies to the floor you are on
  • So if you are on floor 2 enemies on floor 1 do not move when you interactive with floor 2

Level generation

  • When you enter a level (or floor) it is generated, the level did not exist until you entered the floor
  • When a floor is generated this also generates the enemies
  • The strength of enemies is based on the floor as well as the player strength
  • It might advantageous to generate levels as soon as possible to minimize the enemy strength scale
  • You cannot clear out all the enemies on a level
  • They will continue to spawn
  • When they spawn they will take the player level into account

Looking around (Far look)

  • Press the ; key to move the cursor around
  • Highlight something and press , to see information about it
  • Alternatively you can press / to bring up the look menu
  • If you press / again from the look menu you can continue to look at things without exiting look mode after pressing ,


  • Press the i key to open your inventory
  • When over an object you want to pick up press the , key
  • Each item in your inventory gets a letter assigned to it
  • You can view that letter here (also when you are doing the command they will sometimes let you peak at your inventory with ?
  • By default auto pickup is enabled, so when you walk over an item it will be added to your inventory.
  • Use the @ key to toggle auto pickup

Wielding weapons

  • Wielding means to equip a weapon like a sword
  • Press the w key to wield an item
  • Press the x key to switch to off-hand weapon
  • If you are able to dual wield you can enable it with X

Throwing items

  • You can throw any item with the t command
  • If you have arrows but are not wielding a bow you can still throw them
  • If you are wielding a bow they will go further and do more damage
  • You can quiver an item with Q and quickly fire it with f
  • Using quiver and fire saves you the step of picking which item to throw

Wearing armor

  • Press the W key to wear an item
  • It is dangerous to put on equipment that hasn't been identified
  • Cursed equipment cannot usually be taken off


  • You can read scrolls
  • Press the r key to read a readable item

Nourishment (Eating)

  • You will eventually get hungry and need to eat
  • You can sometimes get nourishment from corpses you have killed
  • Some enemies are poisonous (Kobolds) so be careful eating just any old corpse
  • Food rations provide the most amount of nourishment
  • Eating food does not restore HP, instead it nourishes you


  • You need to identify items to know if they are cursed or not

Passing time

  • If you want to advance the turn without moving press the . key
  • This is sometimes handy when you want to wait for a pet to be in an adjacent location before ascending or descending a staircase


  • Sometimes there are hidden items around you
  • Press the s key to search around
  • This will advance the turn similar to . but it will also search
  • You might find a hidden door

Armor Class

  • In the HUD you will see the Armor Class abbreviated as AC: <SOMEVALUE>
  • The lower the Armor Class value the better the protection
  • 10 is the worst armor class value
  • Armor class values can go into negative numbers

Taking off worn items

  • Press the A key to see a menu for items that can be taken off

Adjusting item keys

  • When you press the inventory screen you will see which key maps to which item
  • If you would like to adjust the key you can by press # to enter the extended mode
  • From there type adjust
  • This will prompt you for which inventory you want to change the key and what key you want to change it to

Using tools

  • Press the a key to enter apply mode
  • From here press the inventory key for the item you want to use

Encumbrance (Burdened)

  • You can pick up too many things and become encumbered
  • Encumbered state makes it harder to move
  • You will gain a status effect "Burdened" when you have too much stuff


  • As a last ditch effort you can use the extended menu (#) to pray
  • This could turn the tide in your favor
  • Your role (job) and alignment determine which deity you pray to
  • You should not depend on praying, you can anger your Deity

Bone Files

  • When you die on a level, the game will persist this information in a bones file on the host computer
  • The game could then use this file to expose cursed items or the player corpse in a future run
  • If you play on a shared server there could be a lot of bones files from many previous runs by other players
  • Sometimes on bones level you will encounter a ghost of a previous player
  • Possessions of deceased players are probably cursed

Clues you might be on a bones level

  • You see a named pet walking around
  • You see a corpse with lots of items
  • If you deduce you are on a bones level, be careful something strong could be on the level that will kill you


  • Sometimes you are prompted for a direction
  • Press the . to indicate the tile underfoot

Dropping items

  • Press the d key to drop an item, or the D to multi drop
  • If you drop items in the dungeon, you can come back to them later and pick them up again


  • Use the extended (#) command enhance to view your current proficiency in the various skills
  • As you use skills more you will gain the option to increase the proficiency
  • You will need to manually advance your skill to the next level
  • The reason for this is that there is a limit to the total amount of things you can have skills in

Save your game

  • Press S to save your game
  • This will exit the game and create a save file
  • You can only have one save file at a time so the next time you start NetHack it will resume where you left off

Fog of War

  • When you visit a room and it is no longer in your direct line of sight it will be on your map but marked as "dark"
  • The details you see on the map are just your memory of the room, the actual state could have changed if you return to it

Advanced movement

  • Press the 5 key followed by a direction to move in that direction until you encounter something interesting
  • Press the _ key to move the cursor to where you want to go
  • The player will then move until they reach that location


  • To buy items in the store pick up the item with , the pay with p
  • You can pick up multiple items before paying
  • The shop keeper will block the exit of the door until you have paid for all the items that you have picked up
  • You can drop things in the store to sell them
  • Selling unidentified items and seeing how much the shop keeper offers for it is a good way to deduce the value of a unidentified item
  • The shopkeeper might not be interested in the items you drop


  • Any item that you don't know if it is cursed or not you can drop on an altar and it will reveal its cursed state
  • If you pray near an altar something good might happen, especially if the altar matches your alignment
  • If you use multi-drop D you can select items pf unknown B/C/U status
  • You can make an offering at the altar, typically this would be an enemy corpse
  • Use the extended (#) command and offer to make an offer

Naming items

  • You can use the C key to name items
  • You can either name a particular item or all items
  • This is useful when you are pretty sure you know what an item is but haven't identified it
  • For instance you are in a scroll shop and deduce that the cheapest scroll is more than likely a scroll of identify, so you want to name it as such to make it easier to view the items in the store

View message history

  • Use C-p to view the message history

View player attributes

  • Use C-x to view the player stats


  • Sokoban is a puzzle section of the dungeon
  • They are block pushing puzzles where you want to push boulders into pits in order to get to the next floor
  • Rather than descending you are ascending the Sokoban section
  • You can get a lot of good items in the Sokoban level (especially food rations)
  • This makes it a good candidate for early in the game to not die of starvation
  • There are a total of 4 levels of Sokoban
  • If you are on the second floor or above in Sokoban and you fall into a pit, you will land on the lower floor
  • If you get stuck it is worth moving any boulder you can to see what is underneath

Curse Testing

  • If you are a priest you will know if items are cursed or not
  • If you drop an item on an alter you will then know if the item is cursed or not
  • You can use your pet to know if an item is cursed or not. Pets only move on cursed stacks "reluctantly" if you place a stack of non-food items down and the pet just walks on them, its probably not cursed.
  • Scroll of identify will tell you if an item is cursed or not
  • You can curse or uncurse items with holy or unholy water
  • Dipping #dip items in a fountain can sometimes tell you if they are cursed or not, and potentially remove the cursed status if they are. Make sure that exposing the item to water is OK.

Engraving "Elbereth"

  • Use E to start the engrave command
  • If you type "Elbereth" that will cause most monsters to stop attacking

Beginner Friendly build

  • Valkyrie, Dwarf, Female
  • Because it is a Dwarf, the gnomish mines will be friendly

Floating Eyes

  • Don't melee attack a floating eye
  • You will get paralyzed and killed by something small like a newt or grid bug
  • You should try killing it at a range